Dit is zo ongeveer de uitkomst.
Als nog iemand op of aanmerkingen heeft zou ik dat gaarne horen.
Ik zal nog wat wikkelingen van de secundaire moeten afhalen.
Of wat bij de primaire aanprutsen.
Anders kom ik niet aan de juiste frequentie.
Van die 1600 wikkelingen zou ik best een paar kunnen misen denk ik.......
dinsdag 8 november 2005 20:50:40
Units = Centimeters
Surrounding Inputs:
500 = Ground Plane Radius
500 = Wall Radius
500 = Wall Height
500 = Ceiling Radius
500 = Ceiling Height
Secondary Coil Inputs:
Current Profile = G.PROFILE_LOADED
12.5 = Radius 1
12.5 = Radius 2
5 = Height 1
175 = Height 2
1598 = Turns
0.01 = Wire Diameter
Primary Coil Inputs:
16 = Radius 1
35 = Radius 2
1.6 = Height 1
1.6 = Height 2
10.5 = Turns
0.8 = Wire Diameter
0.09 = Primary Cap (uF)
0 = Desired Coupling (k)
Top Load Object Inputs (dimensions & topload or ground connection):
Toroid #1: minor=32, major=140, height=205, topload
Secondary Outputs:
61.78 [kHz] = Secondary Resonant Frequency
90 [deg°] = Angle of Secondary
170 [cm] = Length of Winding
9.4 = Turns Per cm
0.96383 [cm] = Space Between Turns (edge to edge)
1255.07 [meters] = Length of Wire
6.8 = H/D Aspect Ratio
2755.69 [ohms] = DC Resistance
33841 [ohms] = Reactance at Resonance
34152 [ohms] = Forward Transfer Impedance
0.088 [kg] = Weight of Wire
87.179 [mH] = Les-Effective Series Inductance
84.236 [mH] = Lee-Equivalent Energy Inductance
91.321 [mH] = Ldc-Low Frequency Inductance
76.126 [pF] = Ces-Effective Shunt Capacitance
72.223 [pF] = Cee-Equivalent Energy Capacitance
110.136 [pF] = Cdc-Low Frequency Capacitance
0.9212 [mm] = Skin Depth
61.565 [pF] = Topload Effective Capacitance
2793.1 [ohms] = Effective AC Resistance
12 = Q
Primary Outputs:
64.81 [kHz] = Primary Resonant Frequency
4.67 [%] = Percent Detuned
0 [deg°] = Angle of Primary
1682.32 [cm] = Length of Wire
1.01 [cm] = Average spacing between turns (edge to edge)
3.5 [cm] = Primary to Secondary Clearance
67.007 [uH] = Ldc-Low Frequency Inductance
251.765 [uH] = Lm-Mutual Inductance
0.102 [k] = Coupling Coefficient
9.8 = Number of half cycles for energy transfer at K
75.14 [uS] = Time for total energy transfer (ideal quench time)
Transformer Inputs:
220 [volts] = Transformer Rated Input Voltage
8400 [volts] = Transformer Rated Output Voltage
500 [mA] = Transformer Rated Output Current
50 [Hz] = Mains Frequency
220 [volts] = Transformer Applied Voltage
0 [amps] = Transformer Ballast Current
0 [ohms] = Measured Primary Resistance
0 [ohms] = Measured Secondary Resistance
Transformer Outputs:
4200 [volt*amps] = Rated Transformer VA
16800 [ohms] = Transformer Impedence
8400 [rms volts] = Effective Output Voltage
19.1 [rms amps] = Effective Input Current
4200 [volt*amps] = Effective Input VA
0.1895 [uF] = Resonant Cap Size
0.2842 [uF] = Static gap LTR Cap Size
0.494 [uF] = SRSG LTR Cap Size
276 [uF] = Power Factor Cap Size
11878 [peak volts] = Voltage Across Cap
41987 [peak volts] = Recommended Cap Voltage Rating
6.35 [joules] = Primary Cap Energy
435.3 [peak amps] = Primary Instantaneous Current
279.8 [cm] = Spark Length (JF equation using Resonance Research Corp. factors)
Rotary Spark Gap Inputs:
1 = Number of Stationary Gaps
4 = Number of Rotating Electrodes
1500 [rpm] = Disc RPM
1.2 = Rotating Electrode Diameter
1 = Stationary Electrode Diameter
11 = Rotating Path Diameter
Rotary Spark Gap Outputs:
4 = Presentations Per Revolution
100 [BPS] = Breaks Per Second
31.1 [kmh] = Rotational Speed
10 [ms] = RSG Firing Rate
7.56 [ms] = Time for Capacitor to Fully Charge
5 = Time Constant at Gap Conduction
2.55 [ms] = Electrode Mechanical Dwell Time
99.87 [%] = Percent Cp Charged When Gap Fires
11862 [peak volts] = Effective Cap Voltage
6.33 [joules] = Effective Cap Energy
417449 [peak volts] = Terminal Voltage
633 [joule*seconds] = Energy Across Gap
236.4 [cm] = RSG Spark Length (using energy equation)
Static Spark Gap Inputs:
8 = Number of Electrodes
1 [cm] = Electrode Diameter
0.8 [cm] = Total Gap Spacing
Static Spark Gap Outputs:
0.114 [cm] = Gap Spacing Between Each Electrode
11878 [peak volts] = Charging Voltage
16810 [peak volts] = Arc Voltage
33840 [volts] = Voltage Gradient at Electrode
21013 [volts/cm] = Arc Voltage per unit
141.5 [%] = Percent Cp Charged When Gap Fires
3.566 [ms] = Time To Arc Voltage
280 [BPS] = Breaks Per Second
12.72 [joules] = Effective Cap Energy
591585 [peak volts] = Terminal Voltage
3566 [joule*seconds] = Energy Across Gap
335.1 [cm] = Static Gap Spark Length (using energy equation)